Cube sundial combines vertical direct north, south, east and west sundials and horizontal sundial, which are placed at the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the cube. The only known cube sundial of Estonia was discovered from Pühalepa cemetery as a base of metal cross. Preparation time of this dolomite timepiece is estimated at the year 1660. The sundial is kept in the yard of the Hiiumaa Museum in Kassari. Photos are taken 2006-08-01.
South face of the cube - vertical south sundial.
Kuuppäikesekella põhjapoolne tahk - vertikaalne põhjasuunaline päikesekell.
North face of the cube - vertical north sundial.
East face of the cube - vertical east sundial.
West face of the cube - vertical west sundial.
On the top surface of the cube there is usually placed a horizontal sundial, but here it does not exist. Cavity referres that some construction or sculpture was placed on the cube.
Under face of the sundial. The cube was placed on some flat surface.
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